Our curriculum is designed to deliver excellence in learning and teaching and set aspirational expectations so students can be actively engaged in their learning. Students will leave St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Junior School, ready for Secondary School, equipped with the experiences, skills and knowledge they need to be successful young people and adults in the 21st Century.
We adopt a mastery approach to learning and teaching. Our curriculum design and planning means that we build in many opportunities for repetition and deliberate practice. This ensures that students are able to revisit previous learning, which allows time to master objectives before moving on.
We also believe ’Culture Capital’ to the experiences which broaden our students outlook on the world is an essential part of the learning journey. We provide students with wide, rich and challenging first hand experiences encompassing all aspects of the National Curriculum. Throughout the year, we will maximise opportunities to apply and build on subject knowledge and wider skills through visits and inviting visitors to school.
Our curriculum design provides opportunities to build ‘Culture Capital’ through the Arts, Spanish, Music and wherever possible.
To fulfil our mission statement, the school continues to offer an extensive range of after school clubs, academic booster sessions and many other enrichment activities.